Surf's Up!

Fri, Dec. 5 2008

Lis sent this this morning and I had to put it up.

Australian surfer Joel Parkinson wipes out in powerful five to seven-metre surf (that's 10-12 foot waves to the rest of us) during the World Cup of Surfing at Sunset Beach on Oahu's North Shore, Hawaii, on December 4, 2008.


Mon, Dec. 1 2008

We wrapped the latest installment in the Weekly Reader story series, "The Story of Squanto," just in time for Thanksgiving.

We were originally planning this third module for 2009 but they were so pleased with Appleseed and Columbus they decided to jump back in.

Like the previous installments, Squanto includes an animated video, original audio and music, read-along text, and both an online and printable quiz.

Check out the entire series here.

Australia Update

Thu, Nov. 20 2008

Australia may be somewhat insulated from the downward economic spiral the rest of us are swimming in, but it is also a land where you can wake up to find a monster like this living in your garage.

Thanks, Lis...
